Nominations will close Friday (June 14) for Del Mar’s two premier stakes for 2-year-olds – the Grade I Del Mar Debutante for fillies and the Grade I Del Mar Futurity for all juveniles. The championship events will be renewed this summer on Saturday, August 31 (Debutante) and Labor Day Monday, September 2 (Futurity).
The nomination fee for each race is $300 with no additional or sustaining payments required. Both races are contested at seven furlongs and carry $300,000 purses.
Nominations for the juvenile headliners can be downloaded below or online at the Del Mar website — The forms can be filled out and e-mailed back to Del Mar at or FAXed to the Del Mar racing office at (858) 794-1049. For those without computer access, a direct phone call to the racing office (858) 792-4231 also will work.
Last year Kaleem Shah’s Bellafina finished first in the Debutante and Gary and Mary West’s Game Winner captured the Futurity.
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Futurity & Debutante Nominations Close Tomorrow